date: 2018-11-30 20:24:00
To choose a high-quality LED display, in addition to considering the quality of the display itself and reliable service, choosing the right LED display product according to different environments and uses is another guarantee. Below we will combine the seaside and riverside environment to discuss the choice of LED display.
The most notable features of the seaside and riverside environments are high humidity, strong wind, strong ultraviolet rays, and easy water ingress.
1. Humidity: If the humidity is too high, the PCB, power supply, power cord and other components of the LED display are more likely to be oxidized and corroded, which will cause malfunctions. Therefore, during production, the manufacturers should do anti-corrosion treament to the PCB, such as applying conformal coating to its surface, etc., choose high-quality accessories for power supply and power cord, and do anti-rust treatment to the cabinet frame, especially its weld joint.
2. Wind: Excessive wind will directly affect the installation of the LED display. Therefore, before installation, the installer should consider the wind factor well during force analysis.
3. Ultraviolet rays: Strong ultraviolet rays can easily cause the aging of the LED display surface, thereby reducing its lifespan. Therefore, when producing masks, manufacturers should choose high-quality materials, which will help resist the damage caused by ultraviolet rays.
4.Water ingress S pecial e nvironments such as seaside and riverside r equire more comprehensive water proofing measures
5. Viewing angle: This is an easily overlooked factor. Usually, there is an open view in seaside and riverside environments. The audiences are also relatively wide. When choosing a product, it is necessary to fully consider its main audience to determine the requirements for the viewing angle of the display.
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